SGL wins two long-term value chain development/M4P projects - a good start to 2019!
SGL continues to expand its project portfolio in responsible market-oriented value chain development. In consortium with Niras Sweden, SGL in late February started the provision of technical assistance support to the SIDA-supported Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme Phase II (ASDSP II) in Kenya.
Under a 5-year/2.4M USD contract with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation (MoALFI), the NIRAS/SGL team advises the ASDSP’s support to the operation of value chain stakeholder platforms for three commodities in each of Kenya’s 47 counties, as well as cross-county platforms, to facilitate stakeholder-lead identification of value chain gaps and investment needs. Additionally, to build an enabling environment for market-oriented agricultural development in Kenya, ASDSP facilitates strengthening of county government capacities for effective agricultural sector policy domestication, planning, monitoring and stakeholder consultation and intergovernmental cooperation through support to the operations of the Joint Agricultural Sector Consultation and Cooperation Mechanism (JASCCM). The long-term advisors fielded by SustaiNet Group specifically support JASCCM and youth agribusiness and employment agendas.