SGL wins M4P project
Leading a consortium with Finnish Consulting Group (Kenya) and Spantrack Consultants (Kenya), SustaiNet Group in March 2019 entered contract for the implementation of the three-year management and TA support to the Enterprise Development for Rural Families in Kenya, Phase III project implemented by Hand-in-Hand East Africa with SIDA and HIH International funding.
Our five-member TA team provides recurrent management support, technical coaching and mentoring, strategy and tool development and process monitoring inputs to the project in the areas of market systems development, business development services, gender mainstreaming and climate adaptation. The project supports more than 1,300 Self-Help Groups to create 18,500 micro- and small-scale enterprises and create 24,000 jobs across Baringo, Kajado, Lakipia, Machakos, Makueni, Nakuru and Nyandarua counties.